Our flexible approach, experience and resources allow us to organize successfully organize a mediation anywhere in Romania in a matter of days.
Mediation request
Interested to submit a request for mediation services? If you are interested in having your dispute mediated, click here.
Mediation Rules
In addition to the mediation legal framework available in Romania, ADR Center Romania has raised the quality bar and adopted Mediation Rules. This is important because all our mediations are governed by the Mediation Rules, as well as the law. Therefore, users can rest assured that ADR Center Romania is not only sensitive to quality, but also accountable. If you are interested in learning more about ADR Center Romania Mediation Rules, click here.
Mediation stages and costs
ADR Center Romania has a simple approach to process – we work with the parties to design a process that works for them. Our influence over process depends on the parties’ agreement and preferences, although is ideal if parties themselves get involved in the process design and own it. Also, there are costs associated with ADR Center Romania mediations – just like any other ADR provider. Yet, except for the request registration fee, no fees are due until an agreement to mediate of all parties is confirmed. If you are interested in learning more about our approach to process and anticipated costs, click here.
Mediation benefits
Mediation has many benefits. They refer to control over process and its outcomes, efficient use of resources, risk management, confidentiality, personal empowerment, high rate of compliance with the settlement agreement and many more. If you are interested in learning more about the mediation benefits, click here.
Mediation for lawyers
Lawyers are aware more than anyone that a negotiated outcome to a dispute is usually more satisfying, more effective, more workable, more flexible and more durable than an order imposed by a court of law. Hence, lawyers can use a variety of tools to help their clients settle their way out of problems, and negotiation, conciliation and mediation are some of the tools they can use to achieve this goal. If you are interested in learning more about lawyers and mediation advocacy, click here.
Online Mediation
It’s not always easy to bring disputing parties together in one place, may it be the negotiation table or the court room. The costs or the time availability are factors often considered. At the same time, the parties’ power imbalance and lack of appropriate ground rules impact the sustainability of negotiation processes who tend to be short and formal (short meeting, one email). All these difficulties can be properly addressed with online mediation. More about ADR Center’s Romania approach to online mediation, here.
Mediation Clause
The inclusion in the contract of a specific clause regarding the mediation of disputes that may arise in the contract implementation has become an aspect of fundamental importance. If you are interested to insert the ADR Center Romania mediation clause in a contract, click here.
User Feedback
ADR Center Romania is very interested to receive feedback from the users of our mediation services regarding their satisfaction with those services. May it be very good feedback or the opposite of it, we want to know and we act on it. Start by clicking here.