ADR for Law Firms
ADR Center Romania can assist law firms to develop and administer ADR programs designed to resolve or end disputes. For details, click here.

Grievance mechanisms
ADR Center Romania can design, implement and monitor a grievance redress mechanism that will provide a safe space for raising concerns and complaints and a fair and efficient handing process looking to deliver remedy, identify appropriate actions, stimulate positive changes and improve projects’ outcomes. For details, click here.

Public Policy Dispute Resolution
ADR Center Romania can assist with effective design and management of public policy disputes, particularly those concerning environmental and community impact, water access, natural resources management, business development, transportation, education, healthcare or land use and regulation. For details, click here.

Company-community mediation
By way of company-community dispute resolution, ADR Center Romania will support companies, communities and other stakeholders in preventing, managing, transforming or resolving disputes related to the environmental and social impacts of private sector’s projects. Our intervention strategies could include providing capacity building, implementing fact-finding exercises or designing and managing company-community dialogue platforms. For details, click here.

Cross-border mediation ADR Center Global
Based on 20 years of experience, ADR Center Global is the first truly international mediation provider with a Global Panel of Mediators and multilingual Case Management that can assist law firms, multinationals and international organizations in ADR Programs and ADR Services. For details, click here.