Industry’s footprint can be significant and while some benefits are obvious, not all people are affected in a good way. This applies not only to people from within certain industries, but also to external stakeholders. Good practices demonstrate the benefits of having processes capturing and handling complaints in an accessible, transparent, effective, safe and culturally appropriate manner. 

These processes are often called grievance redress mechanisms. They should not prevent or replace, but rather complement fundamental rights like access to legal remedy. Grievance redress mechanisms shouldn’t be “a box on the wall in an inaccessible room”, but well thought sustainable processes, managed in with accountability and improved continuously based on input from stakeholders. 

ADR Center Romania can design, implement and monitor a grievance redress mechanism that will provide a safe space for raising concerns and complaints and a fair and efficient handing process looking to deliver remedy, identify appropriate actions, stimulate positive changes and improve projects’ outcomes.

Click here if you would to get in touch and receive more information about our ability to design, implement and monitor the performance of a grievance mechanism.