Our flexible approach, experience and resources allow us to organize successfully organize a mediation anywhere in Romania in a matter of days.
People who are affected by environmental disputes need concrete remedies, not lengthy and costly lawsuits that can result in a fine to a company and things keep going just the same. Mediation offers a solution in which the concrete remedy can be discussed and agreed by the interested parties.
Environmental disputes have a very special character due to the fact that in most cases, even if there are two or three parties involved, the impact occurs on a larger scale, with many more stakeholders, often even public authorities or project financiers. industrial.
Therefore, even if the role of the courts is absolutely fundamental in a state governed by the rule of law, in order to achieve harmony between all the factors affected or which may affect environmental disputes, elaborate dialogue processes are needed which, in most cases , benefit from the organized structures of an independent process of facilitation or mediation.
ADR Center Romania mediators have the necessary experience to manage specific environmental disputes, having specific experience in over twenty countries, this being probably the largest consolidated experience of a mediation service provider in Romania.
What is mediation
But what exactly is mediation and how does a typical mediation process look like?
Mediation is a confidential process of communication and negotiation that is managed by a neutral and impartial professional with no decision-making abilities, the mediator. The aim is to prevent, manage, resolve or end a dispute, thus avoiding the increase of tensions, costs and risks, generated even by taking it in the courts of law. Mediation gives all participants the opportunity to craft the rules that govern the dialogue process, to have a voice, to present their perspectives and to propose options that take into account what is most important to them.
In order to achieve these objectives, the mediator can meet jointly but also separately with the participants in the mediation. Also, in order to ensure all the conditions for an informed decision, the parties are encouraged to be advised in the mediation room by lawyers or other advisors. They have an essential role and become veritable agents of reality in mediation.
Specialized mediators
All our mediators are seasoned professionals with solid knowledge, skills and certified experience in the dispute resolution field. Yet, some of the ADR Center Romania mediators are specialized.
To see a list our mediators specialized in mediating environmental disputes, click here.